The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Client Portal Hero Dark

Client Portal

Get more from your 7IM account and investments

Client portal overview screen

Account overview

My Overview gives you a simple overview of your account(s), including values and cash available to invest – perfect if you just want to quickly check the state of play.

If your financial adviser has linked your account, for example with family members, you can see their accounts too.

CP Valuation History

Valuation history

Our valuation history tool allows you to check the value of your accounts over different time periods.

You can check a range of pre-set dates or specify your own date ranges.

Client portal allocation screen

Asset allocation and investment holdings

You can view your asset allocation and investment holdings across your accounts or, if you prefer, for each individual account. Clear, intelligible graphics make all of this information easy to read and absorb.

Client portal tabs screen

Available reports

You can also view and download reports for the following:

  • Transactions
  • Contract notes
  • Capital gains tax (CGT)
  • Portfolio valuations
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